Membership Levels

The Ringwood Bowls Club has four (4) levels of membership

Level 1 Membership

Annual Fee $260
1st year novice bowlers $130

Entitlements – Able to play in ALL bowls events. Practice at permitted times on allocated rinks, use clubhouse facilities and amenities, be eligible for nomination to Hold office either elected or appointed in elections, nominate or second members for office nominate or second applications for membership. To vote at meetings.

Level 2 Membership

Annual Fee $200

Entitlements – The same as Gold with the following exceptions:

  1. Cannot take part in pennant except in an emergency to cover for an unforeseen vacancy
  2. Cannot vote in any elections for selection committees
  3. Cannot be nominated for elected office

Level 3 Membership

Annual Fee $30

Entitlements – Use of clubhouse amenities and facilities, play barefoot/twilight bowls at time organised for such purposes, play Indoor carpet bowls socially and represent the club at indoor bowls competitions, entitled to propose or send an application for membership of the club and vote in elections for the board of management ONLY. If a Bronze member is a subscribing member of another bowls club, he or she may participate in bowls activities under the same conditions as a visiting bowler.

Level 4 Membership

Junior Membership
Annual Fee $50

A Junior member – is one who is under 18 years of age when applying for membership or when renewal of the annual subscription becomes due (i.e. the date of the meeting when the annual subscriptions are set).

Entitlements – all LEVEL 1 privileges except the following:

  1. Cannot purchase or consume liquor in club premises
  2. Cannot nominate a member for office
  3. Cannot hold an elected or appointed position
  4. Cannot vote in elections or meetings
  5. Cannot propose or second a new member