Venue Booking Enquiries

For enquiries relating to venue hire please contact:

James – 0400 146 394

Booking the venue

There are 3 ways to find out how to book the Ringwood Bowls Club for your event:

  • Call our Venue Hire Manager James on 0400 146 394
  • Send an email outlining your proposed date, your requirements and whether you wish to include lawn bowls with your booking.  Send an email to or alternatively use the form on the right hand side of this page.
  • Fill out your details as requested in the form on this page

Venue Hire Conditions

The Ringwood Bowls Club does NOT hire its venue out for 18th and 21st Birthday parties.

The inclusion of lawn bowls as part of your venue hire is subject to the availability of greens on a Saturday from September through to March

With two of our greens floodlit the club offers lawn bowls as part of venue hire for both day and night time bookings – again subject to availability.

Venue Booking Enquiry Form

Our Venue Hire Manager will respond to your request and provide you with the costs associated with your proposed booking.
